
Global Internship Challenge

Combating youth unemployment one internship at a time.

40% Of Our World’s Youth Are Unemployed

We meet eager young professionals starting out on their career journey every day. Equipped with technical knowledge, brimming with new ideas and enthusiastic about their first ‘opportunity’, they are often hindered by a lack of practical, workplace experience. 

In fact, over 40% of the world’s youth are either unemployed, or have a job but live in poverty. And over 73 million of them are university graduates.

That’s where you can help.

Change The World With Us

The need for action has never been more paramount and we are executing on a solution with an established history. But we need more.

We need enlightened companies to actively become part of the solution by creating workforce opportunities internationally.

We need institutional partners that can accelerate global education programs, career mentoring resources, investment undertakings and entrepreneur support structures to inspire tangible change across the world.

We need individuals that have championed political equality, human rights, equal opportunity and social justice to mentor young women from the global community.

And we need global thought leaders to join us to ensure that this initiative will unleash the capabilities of our youth, increase the financial health of struggling countries, attract the attention of the world, and secure the future of our global economy.

We need you.

CEO Gerard Holland Introduces

Join The Challenge

We believe that every graduate should have the opportunity  to pursue the career of their choice. Working with industry partners who are as passionate about increasing the employability of the next generation as we are will help immeasurably. 

Once you have completed the registration form, one of our team will be in contact to answer any questions you may have and explain next steps.