Upon starting your internship, you should formally request an office orientation from your supervisor. This is a great opportunity for you to learn the layout of the office, meet your new colleagues and get a feel for your new environment.
You should ask key questions about the company to get you off on the right foot. These are:
Some details may have changed slightly from the internship agreement, so checking with your direct supervisor will allow you to stay on top of any and all changes.
Once you have confirmed some of the more basic details of your internship, you should start to show a keen interest in the business and how you are going to fit into their operational model. You might choose to ask questions like these:
You might not have completed an internship before and, in some cases, your host company might never have hosted an intern before! Requesting a formal orientation into the internship and the office will show your host company that you are taking the internship very seriously.
To help them along, here is a checklist you can use to ensure they give you a thorough orientation:
Important locations to know
Important information
The Outcome.Life team are always here to answer any questions or help with any problems you might encounter during your internship.
You can contact us between 9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday at:
Phone: 03 8899 7424
Email: hello@outcome.life
Or fill in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.